Emerging from the recommendations of the Committee of Future Asatizah (COFA), CPE 2.0 will be a significant enhancement over the existing CPE Framework in four key areas: Integration, Quality, Relevance and Accessibility (IQRA). The infographic below is an overview of the CPE 2.0 project:
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In this video, we take a look at the journey of the Continuing Professional Education (CPE) which spans almost a decade thus far. From its humble beginnings when it was first established in 2012 to the present day, several key milestones have been met in the efforts to develop our asatizah in Singapore. We also have a preview of what lies ahead with the implementation of CPE 2.0.
Key Highlights
In December of 2021, 19 local asatizah were appointed as Core Trainers for CPE 2.0 and were briefed on Muis’ efforts to further develop our asatizah to make CPE a high-quality adult education programme to facilitate life-long learning for our asatizah.
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Coming soon.
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