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- About Asatizah Recognition Scheme (ARS)
About Asatizah Recognition Scheme (ARS)
More information on ARS including application, newsletter and ARS directory.
On this page
What constitutes Islamic teaching?
Islamic teaching refers to the provision of Islamic instruction in any subject or field in an IECP to one or more persons who are not his or her family member or members. A “family member” here refers to one’s spouse, children, parents, in-laws, siblings, or any other individual who is related by blood or marriage and is living in the same household as the person.
Who does ARS apply to?
Asatizah Recognition Scheme (or known as 'ARS') applies to everyone teaching Islam in Singapore. This includes
Singapore Residents
Permanent Residents
Employment Pass (for religious teaching)
Long-Term Visit Pass (from the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority)
ARS is not applicable to foreign religious speakers as they are regulated under a different permit scheme known as the Miscellaneous Work Pass (MWP) issued by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM). Local sponsors of such religious speakers should ensure that the speakers possess formal religious qualifications before applying for the MWP.
Important announcement
Effective 1 November 2024, the GoBusiness Licensing (GBL) site will no longer accept applications for the Asatizah Recognition Scheme (ARS).
A new dedicated application portal is under development to enhance the process and improve user experience.
Updates on the new application procedure and portal launch will be posted on this page.
We apologise for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.
For urgent enquiries, please contact ARS@muis.gov.sg.
Thank you for your continued cooperation.
ARS newsletter
Click here to access the ARS newsletter.