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- Light of Faith (Cahaya Keimanan)
Light of Faith (Cahaya Keimanan)
Understanding the articles of faith.
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Module Description
Tawhid is the most fundamental foundation stones for every Muslims. This module attempts to bring the understanding of Tawhid in a more reflective, holistic and interactive manner. In any major religion, the concept of God rests at the core of its beliefs, tenets and practices.This course hopes to give an absolute understanding of six Pillars of Imaan (Arkaanul Imaan) which are Belief in Allah, Angels, Divine Books of Allah, Belief in Prophets and Messengers of Allah, the Last Judgment Day and the Divine Will of Allah.
Module Objectives
This module aims to achieve the following learning objectives:
To inspire confidence as Muslims.
To communicate the holistic and comprehensive nature of Islam.
To appreciate the importance and application of faith in daily lives.
To stimulate the continuing search for knowledge.
To instill confidence in articulating faith to oneself and to others.
Module 1: Understanding the Articles of Faith - Allah, The Angels & Divine Books (10 hours)
In this 10-credit hours' course, students will be covering the following topics:
General Introduction and Overview of Islam
A Return to Islam and The Concept of Fitrah
Article 1: Belief in Allah
Article 2: Belief in the Angels of Allah
Article 3: Belief in Divine Revelations
Module 2: Understanding the Articles of Faith - The Prophets, The Last Day & Destiny (10 hours)
In this 10-credit hours' course, students will be covering the following topics:
Article 4: Belief in The Prophets & Messenger of Allah
Article 5: Belief in The Last Day and The Day of Judgment
Article 6: Belief in The Divine Will of Allah
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