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Living Sources (Warisan Kenabian)
Introduction to Al-Quran and As-Sunnah.
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Module Description
Al-Quran and As-Sunnah are the two everlasting legacies left by Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. in providing the eternal guidance to humanity. Through the study of the Al-Quran, students will be introduced on ways to appreciate the specialty of Al-Quran – the sacred words of Allah that are well preserved today and acknowledge the importance of As-Sunnah as the foundation of Islamic knowledge.
This module will cover the special position of Al-Quran as the enduring miracle of our beloved Rasulullah s.a.w and bring attention to understand critical understanding of the historical phases of the Quranic revelation and its compilation. Through the study of his As-Sunnah, students will be introduced to important terminologies in the categorization of Hadith literatures and study the various historical phases in the process of Hadith compilations.
In this course, students will be expected to self-reflect their relations with Al-Quran and As-Sunnah and aimed to familiarize them with these two living sources in enabling them to appreciate the importance of the foundational sources of Islam.
Module Objectives
This module aims to achieve the following learning objectives:
To introduce students to the basic references of Islam
To enable students to appreciate the contents, teachings and importance of the Quran &the Sunnah
To highlight the comprehensive and holistic nature of Islamic religious texts
To inspire continuing search for knowledge of the Quran & the Sunnah
Module 1: Understanding the Quran (10 hours)
In this 10-credit hours' course, students will be covering the following topics:
Introduction: Understanding Al-Quran and Its Revelation
Understanding Miracles & Compilation of Al-Quran In The Era of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w
Compilation of Quran In Post-Prophetic Era
Understanding Revelation and The Categorization of Chapters (Surah) and Verses (Ayat )
Categorization of Makkan and Madinan Verses & Reasons of Revelation (Asbab Nuzul)
Major Themes of Al- Quran
Interactions with Al-Quran
Module 2: Understanding the Sunnah (10 hours)
In this 10-credit hours' course, students will be covering the following topics:
The Role and Status of Al-Sunnah in Islamic jurisprudence
Understanding Categorization of Hadiths and Its Terminologies
Hadith Compilation In History
Interaction with Al- Sunnah
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