Elective modules
Pages in Elective modules.
Al-Khulafa' Ar-Rashidun: The Righteous Caliphs (Al-Khulafa' Ar-Rashidun: Para Khalifah yang agung)
History of the four Caliphs and its lesson (Sejarah empat orang khalifah dan pengajarannya).
Fiqh for the Sick (Fiqh Bagi Pesakit)
Essential guide for Muslim patients.
Grief & Suffering in Islam (Kesedihan & Penderitaan dalam Islam)
Understanding the Islamic perspective (Menyingkap maknanya dari sudut pandang Islam).
History of Islam in Southeast Asia (Sejarah Islam di Asia Tenggara)
Spread of Islam in this region & role of Singapore in its development (Penyebaran Islam di rantau ini & peranan Singapura dalam perkembangannya).
Introduction to Maqasid Al-Shariah (Pengenalan Maqasid Al-Shariah)
Understanding the higher purpose & objectives of the Islamic law.
Tafsir Surah Al-Fatihah
A comprehensive understanding of Surah Al-Fatihah (Pemahaman yang menyeluruh mengenai Surah Al-Fatihah).
Doubts & Misconceptions in Islam (Keraguan & Salah Tanggapan dalam Islam)
Understanding the Islamic perspective and ways to address them (Memahaminya daripada perspektif Islam dan cara untuk menanganinya).
Fiqh of Planned Giving (Fiqh Perancangan Harta)
Wealth planning & distribution in Islam.
Halal Food 101 (Pemakanan Halal 101)
The concept of Halal, its principles, and its role in Islam, focusing on Singapore's context.
Introduction to Diversity in Islam (Pengenalan Kepada Kepelbagaian Dalam Islam)
Guide to ethical steps in approaching arguments and the right attitude towards disagreement.
Path of Repentance (Jalan Menuju Taubat)
Journey back to Allah.
The Ulul Azmi
Lessons from the Arch-Prophets (Ulul Azmi).