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- Grief & Suffering in Islam (Kesedihan & Penderitaan dalam Islam)
Grief & Suffering in Islam (Kesedihan & Penderitaan dalam Islam)
Understanding the Islamic perspective (Menyingkap maknanya dari sudut pandang Islam).
Module Description
Life is not always smooth sailing. Happiness and grief abound in equal measures. As a servant of Allah, we will constantly be tested with challenges and tribulations in life to the point of questioning the wisdom behind such tests prepared by Allah for His servants. Is Allah not the Most Powerful and associated with attributes such as mercy, gracious, loving and others?
Yet, are we clear about the purpose of our life? Do we truly understand the concept of happiness? What is the yardstick that we use to measure happiness?
This module will discuss and provide participants with perspective on the meaning and purpose of life. This module will also provide an explanation on the concept of grief and suffering in life while also exploring the appropriate ways to overcome such challenges.
Module Objectives
This module aims to achieve the following learning objectives:
Explore the meaning and purpose of life along with the true meaning of happiness
Analyse the reason why Allah tests His servants
Identify the best way to deal and overcome the challenge of suffering in life
Module Outline (8 hours)
In this 8 hours module, participants will be covering the following topics:
Definition of human (insan) and the origin of humankind
Human’s covenant (Mithaq) with Allah
Meaning and purpose of life
Happiness from an Islamic perspective
Believing in fate (Qada’ and Qadar)
Concept of good and bad from the Syariat perspective
Trials of Prophets and Messengers
Wisdom behind tests from Allah
Virtue of patience and its advantages
Concept of redha in Islam
Doa and manners relating to it
Various doas when faced with tests and grief
Signs of depression and treatments for it
Payment should be made directly to the mosque.