RPCS seeks to develop and create new bodies of knowledge specific to the needs and challenges of Muslim communities.
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About the Fellowship Programme
The Research Programme in the Study of Muslim Communities of Success (RPCS) is a programme that seeks to develop and create new bodies of knowledge specific to the needs and challenges of Muslim communities living in secular countries and advanced economies. The programme aims to nurture home- grown talent in the area of religious thought leadership and to engage researchers working on any of the 3 RPCS research focus areas to contribute to creating new bodies of knowledge.
1) Adjunct Research Fellowship:
Practice Fellows: Senior public officers in the religious sector with acumen for research and potential to assume apex positions in the religious sector (e.g. Senior religious officers in MUIS, ROMM, Syariah Court, Madrasah, Mosques)
Research Fellows: Scholars with strong research credentials in any of the identified areas of research.
2) Visiting International Fellowship:
Experienced scholars and academics with strong research credentials in any of the identified areas of research.
3) Visiting Researcher:
Experienced scholars and academics in any identified areas of research.
4) Junior Research Fellowship Training Scheme
The junior fellows will be contracted for a period of two years on a full-time basis. The candidates must be a Master’s holder or have the potential to embark on a graduate degree (Master’s or PhD).
Fellowship application
The RPCS invites asatizah to apply for the Research Programme in the Study of Muslim Communities of Success. Fellows will receive institutional and funding support of between (2) months to (2) years depending on the fellowship duration.
Applications are currently closed. For updates on future application periods, please check this website regularly or you may e-mail to rpcs@muis.gov.sg to register your interest.
Selection process & notification of results
All Applications will be assessed, and shortlisted candidates will be notified by the RPCS Secretariat. Shortlisted candidates will then be interviewed by the RPCS Fellowship Committee.
Further queries
If you need further information, please contact us at rpcs@muis.gov.sg.