On this page
Registrations made on 21 February 2023 onwards are not eligible for refund.
Refund of Haj registration fee (cancellation)
If you registered for Haj before 21 February 2023, you may cancel your registration and opt for either a bank transfer refund or a donation to Baitulmal. To process your request, please complete the Request for refund of Haj registration fee form [PDF, 177 KB] and attach the required supporting documents.
Refund of Haj registration fee (deceased)
If you are the Next-of-Kin (NOK) of a deceased applicant who registered for Haj before 21 February 2023, you may notify MUIS and cancel their registration. You can opt for either a bank transfer refund or a donation to Baitulmal. To process your request, please complete the Request for refund of Haj registration fee form [PDF, 177 KB] and attach the required supporting documents.
Unclaimed monies
You can check if your name is listed on the Unclaimed Monies website by selecting MUIS.
If your name appears on the list, or if you are the Next-of-Kin (NOK) of a deceased applicant whose name is listed, you may request a refund. To do so, please complete the Request for refund of Haj registration fee form (Unclaimed Monies) [PDF, 177 KB] and attach the required supporting documents.