ADIL Modules & Course Structure

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In choosing the appropriate learning track, students are free to choose any of the modules from any level. ADIL believes in the independence of individual students to self-assess their learning needs. There are no entry requirements and students do not have to take all modules in any particular order.

The Baseline Module seeks to provide adult learners with baseline Islamic knowledge. Inspired by the philosophy of Islam, Iman, Ihsan & Ilm (knowledge) as important components of a Muslim’s life. It covers the common baseline knowledge for every adult Muslim in Singapore.

The Intermediate module is aimed to provide an in-depth discussion of various Islamic traditional sciences and the relevance and applications in the contemporary settings and challenges. The modules at this stage are designed for the intermediate level. It encourages a more thorough and expanded scope of discussion, as compared to the baseline level.

Learning Platforms
In addressing the varied needs of diverse students, the ADIL modules will be offered through the following format:

Weekly Academic Year Programme

A two-year weekly class covering all ADIL modules that will be held on either weekdays or weekends, 2 credit hours per session.

Weekly Modular Series

The duration will usually be between 4 to 10 hours per module.

Weekday Classes: Class will be held on weekdays, 2 credit hours per session. Generally, one module will take between 2 to 5 weeks to cover.

Weekend Classes: Class will be held on weekends, 2 to 5 credit hours per weekend. One module will typically take between 1 to 5 weeks to cover.

Workshop Series

Interactive workshop sessions focusing on specific topic on issues covered in the baseline level. The workshop series will also cover issues that affect Muslims of today. The duration will usually be between 4 to 8 hours per workshop.

Discourse Series

ADIL Knowledge Retreat:
Seasonal half-day closed-door session where contemporary discourse on the Islamic faith will be discussed.

Learning Outcomes

  • Show confidence to make personal moral judgments independently based on sound Islamic principles.
  • Confident to interact with other faith communities and Islamic sects and able to share knowledge on Islam.
  • Acquire in-depth foundation in matters of belief, worship, interpersonal dealings, and spirituality.
  • Understand the application of religion in social and professional life and the role of religion in a multi-cultural community and secular state


Module Description 

Al-Quran and As-Sunnah are the two everlasting legacies left by Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. in providing the eternal guidance to humanity. Through the study of the Al-Quran, students will be introduced on ways to appreciate the specialty of Al-Quran – the sacred words of Allah that are well preserved today and acknowledge the importance of As-Sunnah as the foundation of Islamic knowledge.

This module will cover the special position of Al-Quran as the enduring miracle of our beloved Rasulullah s.a.w and bring attention to understand critical understanding of the historical phases of the Quranic revelation and its compilation. Through the study of his As-Sunnah, students will be introduced to important terminologies in the categorization of Hadith literatures and study the various historical phases in the process of Hadith compilations.

In this course, students will be expected to self-reflect their relations with Al-Quran and As-Sunnah and aimed to familiarize them with these two living sources in enabling them to appreciate the importance of the foundational sources of Islam.

Module Objectives

This module aims to achieve the following learning objectives:

  • To introduce students to the basic references of Islam
  • To enable students to appreciate the contents, teachings and importance of the Quran &the Sunnah
  • To highlight the comprehensive and holistic nature of Islamic religious texts
  • To inspire continuing search for knowledge of the Quran & the Sunnah

Module 1: Understanding the Quran (10 hours)

In this 10-credit hours' course, students will be covering the following topics:

  • Introduction: Understanding Al-Quran and Its Revelation
  • Understanding Miracles & Compilation of Al-Quran In The Era of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w
  • Compilation of Quran In Post-Prophetic Era
  • Understanding Revelation and The Categorization of Chapters (Surah) and Verses (Ayat )
  • Categorization of Makkan and Madinan Verses & Reasons of Revelation (Asbab Nuzul)
  • Major Themes of Al- Quran
  • Interactions with Al-Quran

Module 2: Understanding the Sunnah (10 hours)

In this 10-credit hours' course, students will be covering the following topics:

  • The Role and Status of Al-Sunnah in Islamic jurisprudence
  • Understanding Categorization of Hadiths and Its Terminologies
  • Hadith Compilation In History
  • Interaction with Al- Sunnah

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Module Description 

Central to the Islamic teachings and way of life are various obligatory acts of worship (ibadah) which are often referred to as the "Five Pillars of Islam." While the aim of each of these is the remembrance and glorification of Allah s.w.t., it must be emphasized that Allah’s majesty and glory do not depend in the slightest degree upon the praise or even acknowledgment of His creatures. Rather it is the human being who needs these recurrent forms of worship to keep his contact with his Lord.

The purpose of Islamic acts of worship or practices is, therefore, to strengthen the individual's faith and submission to Allah, to enhance his character, to discipline him for his role as Allah’s faithful servant and steward on earth, to make it possible and easy for him/her to live in the manner ordained by Allah, and to reinforce the ties of brotherhood and affection among humankind. In this deeply self-reflective and interactive course, students will not only learn the fine details of the aspects of worship, but also their significance to sustain his appreciation and steadfastness in performing them.

Module Objectives

This module aims to achieve the following learning objectives:

  • To inspire confidence as Muslims and in practicing basic rituals of Islam
  • To appreciate and internalize the wisdom and significance behind the core practices of Islam
  • To be mindful of our relationship and obligations with Allah as with others around us
  • To understand the connection between what we do and why we do them
  • To learn the importance of our submission and obedience through actions and deeds

Module 1: Complete Guide to Syahadah & Solat (10 hours)

In this 10-credit hours' course, students will be covering the following topics:

  • General Introduction and the 1st Pillar: Syahadah
  • 2nd Pillar: Solat – Its History, Importance and Benefits
  • 2nd Pillar: Solat – Its Essentials
  • 2nd Pillar: Solat – Practical

Module 2: Complete Guide to Fasting, Zakat & Hajj (10 hours)

In this 10-credit hours' course, students will be covering the following topics:

  • 3rd Pillar: Zakat – Its Essentials
  • 3rd Pillar: Zakat – A Singapore Context
  • 4th Pillar: Fasting – A Catalyst Towards Positive Change
  • 4th Pillar: Fasting – Practical Understanding and Application
  • 5th Pillar: Hajj – Lessons On Sacrifice, Unity and Complete Devotion

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Module Description 

Tawhid is the most fundamental foundation stones for every Muslims. This module attempts to bring the understanding of Tawhid in a more reflective, holistic and interactive manner. In any major religion, the concept of God rests at the core of its beliefs, tenets and practices.This course hopes to give an absolute understanding of six Pillars of Imaan (Arkaanul Imaan) which are Belief in Allah, Angels, Divine Books of Allah, Belief in Prophets and Messengers of Allah, the Last Judgment Day and the Divine Will of Allah.

Module Objectives

This module aims to achieve the following learning objectives:

  • To inspire confidence as Muslims.
  • To communicate the holistic and comprehensive nature of Islam.
  • To appreciate the importance and application of faith in daily lives.
  • To stimulate the continuing search for knowledge.
  • To instill confidence in articulating faith to oneself and to others.

Module 1: Understanding the Articles of Faith - Allah, The Angels & Divine Books (10 hours)

In this 10-credit hours' course, students will be covering the following topics:

  • General Introduction and Overview of Islam
  • A Return to Islam and The Concept of Fitrah
  • Article 1: Belief in Allah
  • Article 2: Belief in the Angels of Allah
  • Article 3: Belief in Divine Revelations

Module 2: Understanding the Articles of Faith - The Prophets, The Last Day & Destiny (10 hours)

In this 10-credit hours' course, students will be covering the following topics:

  • Article 4: Belief in The Prophets & Messenger of Allah
  • Article 5: Belief in The Last Day and The Day of Judgment
  • Article 6: Belief in The Divine Will of Allah

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Module Description 

Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. was sent as a mercy to the whole universe. He occupies a special position in the hearts of Muslims and had always been a central figure in the faith of Islam.

In harnessing his everlasting legacy in our contemporary time, this module attempts to explore the personality of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. through studying his physical traits, characteristics, values and ethics. Special attention is given to study Prophet’s individual actions in facilitating appreciation of teachings and values.

In bringing contextual relevance to the study of the Prophet’s life, this module will draw learning points in relation to current context, unique social environments and multi-religious setting. In enhancing understanding, social skills will be incorporated throughout this module.

Module Objectives

This module aims to achieve the following learning objectives:

  • To appreciate the lessons from the life of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w
  • To identify the enduring values taught by Prophet Muhammad s.a.w for aplication in today’s context
  • To strengthen our faiths to Allah s.a.w through emulating the best practices of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w
  • To increase our love towards Prophet Muhammad s.a.w

Module 1: The Study of Prophetic Characteristics and Manners Part 1 (10 hours)

In this 10-credit hours' course, students will be covering the following topics:

  • Introduction: The Study of Prophetic Characteristics & Manners
  • The Physical Traits of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w
  • Spirituality and Etiquette of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w
  • Perfect Role Model & Epitome of Mercy
  • Upholder of Justice

Module 2: The Study of Prophetic Characteristics and Manners Part 2 (10 hours)

In this 10-credit hours' course, students will be covering the following topics:

  • Champion of Human Dignity, Peaceful Co-existence & Environmental Ethics
  • Enduring Values of The  Prophet: Generosity, Endurance, Bravery & Humility
  • Teachings of Tenderness, Love and Respect (Part 1): Women
  • Teachings of Tenderness, Love and Respect Part 2: Children & the Elderly
  • Harnessing Legacy of Our Prophet & Concluding Conference

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Module Description 

As a Muslim, understanding and performing the commandments of Allah s.w.t. is vital in one’s quest to be righteous servant of The Almighty. Therefore, grasping the knowledge of Fiqh is imperative in enabling one’s to understand the rulings and practices as interpreted by the Muslim jurists (fuqaha’). The fiqh rulings serve as a manual and guide to ease Muslims in their religious rituals and practices in accordance to their circumstances and localities. In this eight-hour engaging workshop, participants will be introduced to the Fiqh concept of rukhsah (exemption from general rulings) with special focus on issues faced by Muslims when they travel. As Muslims form part of the world’s travellers, there is therefore a need to know how to perform their religious obligations such as praying (solah) and fasting (sawm). This course will explain guidance on taking ablution (wudu’) and praying while taking land transport such as tour buses and air travelling, such as when one is taking a flight.

Beyond the issues of praying, this course will also share information on dietary rulings, such as tips on finding food that is permissible for Muslims to consume while they are in countries with few or almost no halal-certified eating establishments. This course is relevant for frequent or occasional travellers and will equip them with relevant knowledge that will guide them to be confident with their faith as they travel to see the beauty of Allah’s creations in this vast world.

Module Outline (8 hours)

In this 8-credit hours' course, students will be covering the following topics:

  • Understanding the Fiqh concept of Rukhsah (exemptions from general rulings)
  • Understanding Jama’ & Qasr - combining and shortening prayer
  • How to pray while travelling? (on bus, train and airplane)
  • Ways in determining the time of prayer
  • Finding direction of praying (Qiblat) while on moving transportation
  • Basic dietary guidelines – what to eat if there is no halal certified food?
  • Fasting while travelling – any exemptions?
  • Supplications for the Musafir (Traveller)

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Module Description 

Muslims view illness and sickness as tribulations and trials from Allah s.w.t. Sickness is regarded as a kaffarah or expiations of sins. At the same time, Muslims are reminded to take care of their health as the wellness of their body is an amanah by Allah s.w.t. for them.

A healthy and strong believer is loved by Allah s.w.t and thus one should always strive to maintain one’s health and wellness. However, illness and sickness are inevitable in one’s life. Therefore, as Muslims, we are reminded to be prepared for any eventualities and that includes preparation in managing illness.

In this eight-hour engaging workshop, participants will be introduced to the Fiqh concept of rukhsah (exemption from general rulings) with special focus on issues faced by Muslims when they fall sick. From learning the ways on how one can perform the ablution or substitute it with tayammum, to understanding different methods of praying based on one’s health circumstances, this course will cover it all. This course will pay special focus to patients in hospitals and how best they can perform their obligatory prayers.

Beyond the issues of praying, this course will also discuss the issues of fasting when one is sick. Can the sick break their fast? What about those who can never fast in their lifetime - what can they do? This course is relevant for Muslims who wish to equip themselves with extended knowledge of Fiqh and is also highly applicable for healthcare workers and caregivers.

Module Outline (8 hours)

In this 8-credit hours' course, students will be covering the following topics:

  • Understanding the Fiqh concept of rukhsah (exemptions from general rulings) for the sick
  • Methods of performing tayammum due to surgical scar, bandage and other medical condition.
  • Performing wudu’ (ablution) in special circumstances
  • Performing prayer in various positions due to sickness
  • Combining prayer (jama’) for the sick
  • Contemporary medical issues, such as praying with a urine catheter
  • The rulings on fasting when one is sick
  • Supplications for the sick

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Module Description 

Stories of prophets are mentioned in various part of the Quran. As the Quran is a book of guidance, these stories should be reflected upon as it acts as a guide for us till the end of times. Among these prophets, there are those who showed extraordinary amount of patience and perseverance while facing God’s trials and tribulation in life. These prophets are called the Ulul Azmi or Arch-Prophets. They are prophet Nuh, Ibrahim, Musa, Isa & Muhammad. This module will study the different trials faced by the arch-prophets, how they overcome the challenges, and how we can learn to apply its lesson in our daily lives living in the context Singapore.

Module Outline (10 hours)

In this 10-credit hours' course, students will be covering the following topics:

  • Nabi Nuh a.s.
  • Nabi Ibrahim a.s.
  • Nabi Musa a.s.
  • Nabi Isa a.s.
  • Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.

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Module Description 

It is our nature to make mistakes and sometimes fall into sins when making such mistakes. Thus, it is important for Muslims to understand the acts that may bring them to the sins so as to prevent themselves from such actions.

This course will explain the importance of a servant to turn back to Allah. It does not really matter how big the sins are because what matters most is that Allah is the Most Forgiving and His forgiveness and mercy are above our sins.

Among the matters to be discussed in this course include the notion of sin, manifestation of Taubah, the means or conditions to repent and stories that can be learned from the past to motivate one to do Taubah.

Module Outline (10 hours)

In this 10-credit hours' course, students will be covering the following topics:

  • The nature of man and worldly life
  • Appreciate Allah’s mercy
  • Categorization of sins
  • Lessons from the stories of repentance
  • Knowing the pillars of repentance
  • The concept of tawbah (actions of repentance)
  • Manifestation of repentance

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Module Description 

It is innate in nature that human beings are diversely created thus making them different from each other in many aspects. They are different physically and intellectually, have different tastes, thoughts and many others. These diversity and differences are a matter of fact and could not be disputed.

With and due to the existing differences that human beings have from way back, they have become accustomed to leading and living an open and interactive life with others which in turn make them realise on the necessity of tolerance for communal survival.

This diversity also occurs in the faith that one chooses to hold on and believe in. The Quran has also clearly described this with regards to this matter.

Additionally, the Prophet (PBUH) who served as the messenger of peace sent by Allah to this world had also emulated positive behaviour in dealing with people who did not believe in his message or have the same belief as him

Today, diversity in faith continues to exist and becoming widespread. Does this diversity need to be constrained and that only Islam should be regarded as the only religion that can be accepted and practiced? What are the consequences from such assumptions?

With the existence of diversity and differences of faiths, human beings are strongly encouraged to interact among themselves in order to understand the differences that they have which in turn will lead to understanding and respecting each other’s faiths.

In Islam, the existence of diversity empowers Muslims with a sense of responsibility to share with others about Islam and to exhibit kindness and good virtues that Islam advocates so that the non- Muslims can have a good understanding about Islam.

To spread the message of Islam or better known as preaching (dakwah) is one of the natural behaviour that Allah has created for mankind and via that, they can get to know and understand each other. The Almighty Allah’s saying in the Quran “The is no coercion in religion” is the basis whereby no single individual has the right to force other people to embrace Islam. Even the Prophet (PBUH) himself did not shoulder the responsibility to make everyone during his time embraced Islam.

Hence, this module emphasises on the importance of understanding the fundamentals in living with each other, especially on the need to practice tolerance when addressing the issue of differences of faith.

The fundamentals whereby its basis is derived from the divine sources will be included in order to further explain on the extreme need to understand the relationship dynamics between Muslims and non-Muslims.

Singapore as a country with diverse society –be it race or religion- has to create and cultivate receptiveness towards the existing different faiths because it can result in greater acceptance in the society as well as instilling harmony in the community.

With the existing harmonious state that the society currently possesses, religious activities can be easily organised and executed without any feelings of fear or fear of being threatened.

Module Objectives

This module aims to achieve the following learning objectives:

  • To understand the true religious stance on the relationship between Muslims and non-Muslims in Singapore’s context.
  • To be able to explain the fundamentals of religion in order to produce a positive attitude in addressing the relationship issue between Muslims and non-Muslims.
  • To instil positive values in fostering good relationship between non-Muslims.

Module Outline (4 hours)

In this 4-credit hours' course, students will be covering the following topics:

  1. Diversity of religions/faiths/cultures is God’s will and provision
    • Religions/faiths/cultures other than Islam will definitely exist
    • Not all people will be Muslims
    • The reason for diversity
    • Examples of diversity
  2. Relationship between Muslims and non-Muslims
    • The fundamental element in the relationship between Muslim and non-Muslim is peace
    • Not all non-Muslims are the same, i.e malicious, evil
    • Preaching does not necessarily mean making every single human being a Muslim
  3. Understanding the concept of Wala’ and Bara’
  4. The Mardin’s Declaration
  5. Issues regarding the relationship of Muslims and non-Muslims in Singapore’s context

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Module Description 

The existence of Muslims in Singapore is something that cannot be denied and avoided and this existence will continue in times to come.

The increase in the level of religious awareness among the Muslim society has lead to many of them enquiring on the Islamic view with regards to their presence, living in Singapore in order to ensure that their lives are lived out in accordance to the principles of Islam that they firmly hold on to.

The importance of this matter is further magnified by some of them when they experience or feel that there are obstacles –be it real or based on assumptions- that hinder or complicate the process of practicing certain Islamic religious acts in Singapore.

This fact becomes more crucial to be addressed due to the situation of today’s world whereby there seems to be no boundaries thus exposing Singaporean Muslims to various religious thoughts and opinions which have been derived in other countries based on their respective contexts which are very much different from Singapore’s context.

Such religious thoughts and opinions cause confusion and anxiety among some of the Singaporean Muslims as they feel as if there is fundamental conflict which exists between being a Muslim and being a Singaporean and also whether living in Singapore can ensure a Muslim to live a life that would  be in line with Islamic teachings thus attaining Allah’s blessings.

Besides that, the extremists and terrorists’ such as IS dedicated efforts in propagating their ideologies which are intended to instil hate between the Muslims and the non-Muslims, encourage the Muslims to fight against all non-Muslims wherever they are without exception and to pass ruling that living in a non-Islamic country and becoming its citizen is forbidden (haram) have added to the seriousness of the existing challenges faced.

All of the above factors demand a steady and coordinated effort for religious education to be reinforced in the Muslim society in order to eliminate confusion as well as to attain tranquillity and to protect oneself from the deception of these deviated groups.

This ADIL’s module which explains the important issues with regards to the relationship between Muslims and the non-Islamic country where he lives and resides in, is among the early steps undertaken to fulfil the necessity of understanding the dynamics of such relationship.

The module is constructed in such a way that it provides the understanding that Muslims are actually able to live in a non-Islamic country –with all of its imperfections and limitations that the country has- without having to jeopardise the principles of Islam. Being a minority does not necessarily lead to them being Muslims of a lower status in the eyes of God if compared to the Muslims living in an Islamic country. In fact, living in a non-Islamic country might be seen as an opportunity to gain a greater reward from Allah.

The module also guides participants to believe that the reason for their existence is extended beyond their personal interest as a Muslim. The participants will be made to understand that striving to contribute to the general harmony of the society and the country is something that is encouraged by Islam as long as it is guided by the principles that have been outlined by the Shariah.

Module Objectives

This module aims to achieve the following learning objectives:

  • To understand the status of Singapore being a non-Islamic state from the viewpoint of Islamic rulings and perspective.
  • To be able to provide religious evidences which permit Singaporean Muslims to display a positive attitude towards their home country Singapore.
  • To inculcate positive attitude in Singaporean Muslims which then enable them to display that attitude towards Singapore –the country that they reside in- for the benefits of Islam.
  • To possess a positive spirit to contribute in ensuring Singapore’s harmonious state which is in line with the principles of Islam.

Module Outline (4 hours)

In this 4-credit hours' course, students will be covering the following topics:

  • Introduction to the concept of Dar Al-Islam and Dar Al-Harb and a revisit to evaluate its application in today’s world.
  • Does jihad mean to wage war against all non-Islamic countries?
  • Fatwa and the Mardin’s Declaration
  • Hijrah (Emigration)
  • Living in a non-Islamic state
  • The issue of citizenship
  • Stance on secularism and democracy
  • To serve in a non-Islamic state

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Module Description 

Among the pertinent characteristics of communal living in Singapore is its cultural, ethnical and religious diversity that exist among its citizens.

This characteristic is expected to be continuous. In fact, observers predict that Singapore’s level of diversity will increase and become more complex in times to come. The reason for such is due to globalisation and economic demands which in turn pave ways for non-Singaporeans to emigrate to Singapore.

Besides that, the world has become more open as a result of the advance in info-communication technology which exposes Singaporean Muslims to various form of diversity and this includes religious diversity.

Various overseas incidents such as the conflicts happening in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Palestine as well as the emergence of extremist groups such as IS and Al-Qaeda also pose challenges and affect the inter-religious relationship among mankind.

The negative implications arising from the challenges can be observed in other countries in the form of relationship tensions between Muslims and the non-Muslims, the increase in Islamophobia-related incidents, the movement of anti-immigrants who are of different belief from the citizens and other acts which are based on the sentiments of anti non-Muslims and anti-West.

One of the important initiatives –be it at the local or global platform- in addressing the challenges faced by the relationship between religions is to encourage efforts in initiating dialogues and interactions with the non-Muslims. This is done with the intention to foster mutual understanding and to eliminate prejudice between one another.

At the national level, there are IRCC groups at the grassroots’ level which involve the local Islamic bodies and mosques whereby their role is to establish relationship between the Muslims and the non-Muslims in the form of  initiating inter-faith dialogues and social interaction.

Even though the situation in Singapore is not as bad if compared to other foreign countries, proactive approaches which are based on Islamic principle should be taken to guide the Singaporean Muslims’ community in understanding and having the right attitude in facing these challenges so that conflicts will not be ignited which will then destruct the harmonious life that Singapore has to offer.

In fact, such efforts have started and been undertaken with the establishment of Harmony Centre by Muis which is centred at An-Nahdhah Mosque.

Various activities have been conducted since the establishment of this centre and the centre has received praises from various parties –be it local or international- for its commendable efforts.

It has become the icon of commitment and constructive contribution by the Singaporean Muslims in realising social harmony and positive inter-religious relationship.

Nevertheless, there is still a lot more that can be done such as efforts taken in socializing the idea of the importance of dialogues in order to foster positive relationship between Muslims and non-Muslim of all ages.

Surely as a Muslim, this must be done with the guidance of the Islamic principles itself and not merely based on blind following of the current trends or due to external pressure.

Based on the background mentioned above and to fulfil the objective of socializing inter-faith dialogues among the various groups within the Singaporean Muslims’ community as well as to instil awareness and understanding that inter-faith dialogue does have a basis in Islam and that it can be coordinated as long as it is guided by Islamic principles, the module is then developed and offered to the targeted audience of the ADIL Muis’s program.

Generally, this module will help in instilling understanding among the participants that Islam advocates its believers to firstly mould a positive attitude towards believers of other religions although there are differences in terms of the main principles that they have. Islam also encourages inter-faith dialogues with the non-Muslims whereby the dialogues shall be guided by certain specific principles.

This understanding is then strengthened with examples of inter-faith dialogues that have been conducted which had garnered utmost support from the contemporary scholars.

As the issue of inter-faith dialogues is usually linked to the issue of freedom of religion, this module shall also discuss on the contemporary scholars’ stance on the freedom to embrace a particular religion, which also comprises of the ruling of a Muslim who denounces his faith in order to embrace other religions; taking into consideration the Singapore’s context.

Module Objectives

This module aims to achieve the following learning objectives:

  • To understand Islam’s fair stance on the efforts taken in initiating inter-faith dialogues according to the Singapore’s context.
  • To be able to clearly state the juristic evidences which advocate having a positive attitude towards inter-faith dialogues which are widely initiated in Singapore.
  • To instil a positive attitude towards efforts in realizing inter-faith dialogues in Singapore.

Module Outline (4 hours)

In this 4-credit hours' course, students will be covering the following topics:

Definition of inter-faith dialogue and its objectives.

  • Juristic evidences on the permissibility of initiating and conducting inter-faith dialogues.
  • The rational argument supporting the importance of inter-faith dialogues.
  • The fundamental principles in conducting inter-faith dialogues.
  • “A Common World” initiative which has received support from scholars all over the world.
  • Inter-faith dialogues in Singapore.
  • The contemporary perspective of Islam’s stance on the issue of freedom of religion and apostasy.

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Module Description 

Many things should be put into consideration in order to maintain the purity of our property in accordance with the policies and guidelines of the Shariah.

By understanding how to plan our economies and finance, it is hoped to implement the objectives of Sharia in society, business and finance that will bring prosperity and happiness to every individual in the community.

This comprehensive course will provide a clearer picture with regards to the money management in the eyes of Islamic law alongside with current issues, case studies and fatwas.

Areas that will be touched are the concept of wealth, its importance as well as the dimensions of wealth planning which includes wealth accumulation, protection, purification, cleansing and disposition.

Module Outline (8 hours)

In this 8-credit hours' course, students will be covering the following topics:

  • Ethics of estate and planned giving in the Quran
  • Introduction to Faraidh (Intestate inheritance law)
  • Contemporary fatwas: Instruments of Planned Giving during lifetime in Singapore
  • Fatwa on Joint-Tenancy
  • Fatwa on Joint Account
  • Fatwa on CPF Nomination
  • Fatwa on Insurance Nomination
  • Fatwa on establishing trust for dependents with special needs

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Module Description 

This module attempts to bring the understanding of diversity in a more reflective and informative manner. In this course, students will be taught how the Prophet, his companions as well as past scholars deal with differences in opinions. Students will also be equipped with the ethical steps in approaching arguments and the right attitude towards disagreements wherever it takes place, both physically and virtually.

Module Outline (8 hours)

In this 8-credit hours' course, students will be covering the following topics:

  • Understanding Diversity
  • Religious Diversity in Islam
  • Qur’anic Perspectives of Inter-Faith Dialogue
  • Understanding Qur’anic verses which may lead to feelings of animosity towards ‘others’
  • Islam and the Fate of Others: The Salvation Question
  • Diversity of Muslims in the Contemporary World (Intra-Faith)
  • Acceptance of Diversity in today’s world
  • Lessons from the Quran, Companions & Scholars
  • The Amman Message
  • Ethics of Diversity

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Module Description 

This introductory module to Maqasid al-Shariah (Objectives of Islamic Law) is aimed to promote the need to be conscious on the overarching intent of the Islamic Law. Through appreciation of the concept of maqasid, we will will be able see the relevance of Islamic Law beyond the specificities of a particular ruling. Maqasid al-Shariah allows us to explore the dynamism of Fiqh and ensure that the hukm and fatwa issued in the contemporary times do not diverge from the foundational intent of the Shariah.

This module will discuss on the origins and history on the concept of Maqasid al-Shariah. It will also discuss the ideas promulgated by various scholars that emphasized on the notion of maqasid. This module will also deliberate of the various categories of maqasid and bring into sharp focus the contemporary fatwa as case studies of modern application of maqasid.

Module Outline (4 hours)

In this 4-credit hours' course, students will be covering the following topics:

  • Understanding Key Terms
  • Understanding The Need for Maqasid Al-Shariah
  • Maqasid Al-Shariah in Islamic Tradition
  • Categorization of Maqasid Al-Shariah
  • Maqasid Al-Shariah: The Way Forward
  • Contemporary Application of Maqasid Al-Shariah
  • Maqasid Al-Shariah in Singapore Context (Fatwas)

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Module Description 

This module aims to explore the blessed life of the most influential man; Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. This will be conducted through an in-depth analysis of the environment, cultures and practices as well as the important events before and after his birth, adolescence and post-adolescence years, and prophethood; until the final year before the establishment of the Madinah community in chronological order.

Lessons derived from the Prophet’s s.a.w. history are truly living examples which can be reflected upon, internalized and applied to the modern context. This module is drawn up with the hope that participants will be able to fully comprehend the Arabic, tribal and nomadic background before and after Islam, and extract relevant and meaningful lessons on the life of the Prophet s.a.w. and apply the learning points into their daily lives.

Module Objectives

This module aims to achieve the following learning objectives:

  • Instill and adopt a sense of love, compassion and admiration towards the Prophet s.a.w.
  • Analyse selected events that took place in the life of the Prophet s.a.w. chronologically before he was born until the Hijrah to Madinah.
  • Appreciate the sacrifices and struggles of the early Muslim community.

Module Outline (8 hours)

In this 8 hours module, participants will be covering the following topics:

  • Age of Jahiliyyah
  • Life of the Prophet s.a.w. (Pre-prophethood)
  • Prophethood & the Early Converts
  • Challenges & Tribulations

Payment should be made directly to the mosque.
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Module Description 

This module attempts to further explore the life of the most influential man in history; Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. by analyzing in-depth his blessed life after the grand Hijrah, and his efforts in establishing a Madinan Community. 

This module will explore key moments chronologically, starting from his blessed journey from Makkah, his awaited entry into Madinah which ushered in a new phase for the divine message. It is there that Islam gained fresh followers and began to gain influence and soon started to spread out over the four corners of the Arabian Peninsula. 

In the ADIL Dawn of Makkah module, we have already noted that the Prophet was 53 years of age at the time of his auspicious migration. In Madinah, he spent the remaining 10 years of his life and it was here that other brilliant aspects of his immaculate personality became fully manifested. The divine call now had entered a decisive stage and many important events took place in Madinah, which eventually laid a firm foundation for the spread of Islam to the furthest reaches of the globe. Here, we shall study some of the major landmarks in the life of the Prophet and Islam in Madinah.

Module Objectives

This module aims to achieve the following learning objectives:

  • Acquire comprehensive and structured information on the events that occurred during and after the Prophet’s Hijrah. 
  • Revisit and re-live the key moments and struggles in establishing a mosque, a multi religious community and spreading the word of God to other rulers. 
  • Instill love and appreciation towards the Prophet s.a.w and the early Muslims for their sacrifices and efforts, and to learn from their patience and resilience in embracing challenges and trials.

Module Outline (8 hours)

In this 8 hours module, participants will be covering the following topics:

  • The Hijrah
  • Life in Madinah
  • Victory & Homecoming
  • The Last Pilgrimage & the Final Days

Payment should be made directly to the mosque.
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Module Description 

This module aims to review the responsibilities and roles of each member of the Muslim family,  among those who have a mahram relationship consisting of mother, father and siblings as well as  relationships with non-mahram family members such as adopted children and domestic workers. 

This module will also discuss the latest issues faced by Muslim families in Singapore such as the issue  of the aurat of an adopted child as an adult, issues regarding the preparation for old age such as  inheritance rights, wills, faraid and also family planning. This module will bring participants to  understand and practise good values in family life mentioned in religious sources, in accordance with  life in Singapore. 

At the end of this module, it is hoped that the participants will be able to understand and perform  their respective responsibilities to achieve a family life full of love and mercy.


Module Objectives

This module aims to achieve the following learning objectives:

  • Provides basic guidance in managing family affairs based on Islamic values according to  Singapore’s context.
  • Explain the rights and responsibilities of each family member to each other in matters related to  alimony, aurat for adopted children and domestic workers, wealth/asset planning and division of  inheritance.
  • Share important and relevant information from the authorities in Singapore related to family  affairs such as MUIS, Syariah Court, ROMM, Family Court, AMLA and others. 

Module Outline (8 hours)

In this 8 hours module, participants will be covering the following topics:

  • Building a blessed household
  • Building good relationships with non-mahram family members
  • Family planning in Islam
  • Planning for old age

Payment should be made directly to the mosque.
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Module Description 

Life is not always smooth sailing. Happiness and grief abound in equal measures. As a servant of Allah, we will constantly be tested with challenges and tribulations in life to the point of questioning the wisdom behind such tests prepared by Allah for His servants. Is Allah not the Most Powerful and associated with attributes such as mercy, gracious, loving and others?

Yet, are we clear about the purpose of our life? Do we truly understand the concept of happiness? What is the yardstick that we use to measure happiness?

This module will discuss and provide participants with perspective on the meaning and purpose of life. This module will also provide an explanation on the concept of grief and suffering in life while also exploring the appropriate ways to overcome such challenges.


Module Objectives

This module aims to achieve the following learning objectives:

  • Explore the meaning and purpose of life along with the true meaning of happiness
  • Analyse the reason why Allah tests His servants
  • Identify the best way to deal and overcome the challenge of suffering in life

Module Outline (8 hours)

In this 8 hours module, participants will be covering the following topics:

  • Definition of human (insan) and the origin of humankind
  • Human’s covenant (Mithaq) with Allah 
  • Meaning and purpose of life
  • Happiness from an Islamic perspective
  • Believing in fate (Qada’ and Qadar)
  • Concept of good and bad from the Syariat perspective
  • Trials of Prophets and Messengers
  • Wisdom behind tests from Allah
  • Virtue of patience and its advantages
  • Concept of redha in Islam
  • Doa and manners relating to it
  • Various doas when faced with tests and grief
  • Signs of depression and treatments for it

Payment should be made directly to the mosque.
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Module Description 

Surah Al-Fatihah is the preface and opener of the Quran and it manifests the essence of the whole book. The chapter is often believed to be a synthesis of the Quran; it is a prayer for the guidance, lordship and mercy of God, it has an essential role in the daily Islamic prayers, it covers the affirmation of tauhid or the Unity of the Divine Essence and it also serves as an opening to many functions in everyday Islamic life.

Seeing that it presents the primary and foundational principles of the Holy Book, it is imperative that Muslims understand the meanings of the magnificent chapter. This module will thus give participants a thorough understanding of the most commonly recited chapter of the Quran. It will present a guide to understanding the content, structure, synopsis and major themes of the chapter as well as the lessons and wisdoms that can be instilled in today’s Muslims.

Module Objectives

This module aims to achieve the following learning objectives:

  • To understand and reflect on the significance and meanings of the first chapter of the Quran.
  • To unravel the true value of this inspiring chapter and have a better appreciation of these Seven Oft Repeated Verses.
  • To highlight important lessons and takeaways from the surah that can be learnt for today’s generation of Muslims, spiritually and practically.

Module Outline (8 hours)

In this 8 hours module, participants will be covering the following topics:

  • Introduction of Surah Al-Fatihah & Isti’azah
  • Exegesis of isti’azah
  • Exegesis of verse 1: In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
  • Exegesis of verse 2: All praise is for Allah, Lord of all worlds
  • Exegesis of verse 3: The Compassionate, the Merciful
  • Exegesis of verse 4: Master of the Day of Judgment
  • Exegesis of verse 5: You alone we worship and You alone we ask for help
  • Exegesis of verse 6: Guide us along the Straight Path
  • Exegesis of verse 7: The Path of those You have blessed, not those You are displeased with, or those who are astray

Payment should be made directly to the mosque.
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Module Description 

Devoted Muslims see the whole of Prophet Muhammad’s s.a.w. life as a religious guidance illuminating the meaning of existence, but the religious chroncile does not end with the Prophet’s s.a.w. death. It continues through the terms of his four successors, remembered as the Al-Khulafa’ Ar-Rasyidun or the “Rightly-Guided Caliphs”: Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali r.a.

This module will provide a concise and comprehensive overview and historical account of the lives of the four caliphs of Islam. It will be conducted through an in-depth analysis of their respective biographies, anecdotes on their challenges and contributions to the development of Islam as well as a comparative analysis of their leadership virtues and administration system.

This module is drawn up with the hopes that participants will be able to find models from the best generations of humanity who have already lived and passed on,at the same time find guidance  and inspiration to establish a just and illuminated civilisation in the present age. This module will also showcase the reality of conflicts and disagreements which happened in the caliphate era. Ultimately, the module’s focus is to extract  values and lessons from the stories and apply to the lives of Muslims, especially in today’s modern and challenging world. 


Module Objectives

This module aims to achieve the following learning objectives:

  • To understand the meaning and subject of khilafah as well as the contributions and challenges that happened.
  • To instill and adopt a sense of love and respect for the Al-Khulafa’ Ar-Rashidun, especially in the face of tremendous difficulty.
  • To introduce participants to the two divisions of the caliphate era.
  • To highlight important lessons and takeaways from the stories and apply to today’s generation of Muslims.

Module Outline (10 hours)

In this 10 hours module, participants will be covering the following topics:

  • Introduction of the Khilafah
  • The First Khalifah: Abu Bakr As-Siddiq r.a.
  • The Second Khalifah: Umar Ibn Al-Khattab r.a.
  • The Third Khalifah: Uthman Ibn Affan r.a.
  • The Fourth Khalifah: Ali Ibn Abi Talib r.a.

Payment should be made directly to the mosque.
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Module Description 

Is there space for doubt in one’s journey in the pursuit of faith in Islam?  What are the root causes of these doubts and can they be addressed or intervened? Are there misconceptions that have affected the faith of Muslims especially the youth that needs to be clarified?   

Doubt may lead individuals to rebuke certain aspects of doctrines of Islam or even abandon Islam totally.  Yet doubt may also be a natural process of thinking and questioning in solidifying one’s belief, as can be evidenced even from our classical Islamic traditions. In modern times, this crisis of faith and doubt may stem from multiple factors such as moral and social concerns, philosophical and scientific concerns, and even psychological distress or trauma. Divine guidance and knowledge are important to overcome doubt.

Misconceptions on sensitive religious concepts such as jihad and Islam being a religion of fear and punishment, as well as social misconceptions of intolerance of Islam for inter- and intra-faith relations have confused not only the non-Muslims but also misled some Muslims as well.  Hence there is a need to address these misconceptions, so as not to perpetuate their negative effects in our secular and plural society.

This module will discuss the issue of doubts and misconceptions in Islam, its multiple root causes and consequences and ways to address them, in the context of a plural society and a global world.

Module Objectives

This module aims to achieve the following learning objectives:

  • Explain the various definitions of the concept of doubt and its causes from religious-socio perspectives.
  • Identify appropriate ways to address the different causes of religious doubt in Islam.
  • Identify and address specific religious and social misconceptions on Islam. 
  • To be a more confident and self-reliant Muslim in a secular state, plural society and global world.

Module Outline (10 hours)

In this 10 hours module, participants will be covering the following topics:

  • Definition of doubt and yaqin.
  • The different types and phases of doubts.
  • The causes and sources of doubt in Islam.
  • Insights from a quantitative study on religious doubt. 
  • The overview of misconceptions about Islam.
  • Islam's stance on the misconceptions about Islam.
  • Addressing misconception that Allah is a God to be feared and Islam a religion founded on fear and punishment.
  • Addressing misconception that Islam is intolerant of inter and intra-faith relations and Muslim community is socially exclusivist community. 

Payment should be made directly to the mosque.
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Module Description 

Of the estimated 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, about 65 percent live in Asia. Some 250 million Muslims reside in Southeast Asia. While Muslims in this region may be a minority in the Muslim world, their role in shaping the future destiny of Islam is far from peripheral. Indonesia is the largest Muslim country in the world, Malaysia is a dynamic, modern Muslim country and Brunei is one of the world’s richest countries. Other than these three Muslim-majority countries, there are sizeable Muslim minorities in this region, including in Thailand, Philippines and Singapore, and other lesser known, smaller Muslim communities in Indochina, each with their own set of identities, aspirations and challenges.

This module will explain the geographical origins and sources by which Islam spread to this region, including the factors that helped shaped the content and contours of Islamic life amongst Muslims here. It will look at how religious belief and expression fit with extant and modern political and economic infrastructures. It will also look at the role of Singapore in the development of Islam in the region.


Module Objectives

This module aims to achieve the following learning objectives:

  • To expose participants to the history and spread of Islam in the Southeast Asian region essentially and Singapore specifically.
  • To highlight the main trends, realities and challenges of the historical developments as well as religious thought developments in a secular state.
  • To expose participants to the role of Singapore in the development of Islam.

Module Outline (8 hours)

In this 8 hours module, participants will be covering the following topics:

  • The Coming of Islam
  • Manifestations of Islam and Islamic Thought
  • Islam in Singapore: History and Development
  • Islam in Singapore: Issues and Challenges

Payment should be made directly to the mosque.
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Module Description 

Halal is a term widely used today and is not foreign to the global world. Halal is also a very significant and deeply valued belief for Muslims especially in Singapore, where they constantly and consistently ensure that everything they do and consume is acceptable within the religion. However, it is not surprising that many people today, including Muslims themselves, may not fully understand and appreciate what Halal is, even when they are observant and invested in Halal food consumption. Furthermore, it is also concerning that there will be an over-reliance on Halal certification for products that are irrelevant and go beyond food and beverages, such as fridges and microwaves, to which other countries around the region have already been certifying. Given that the discussion on what is Halal and what is not Halal continues to be a relevant point of conversation with the increasing production of the food industry as well as its supply origin from all corners of the world, it is timely for these matters to be addressed.

To this end, the module seeks to strengthen the understanding and perception of Halal in Islam by explaining its fundamental definition, concept and principles as well as its certification and processes in Singapore. At the same time, it will identify its parameters while maintaining social cohesion and strengthening good relationships with other faith communities. Ultimately, the module aims to equip Muslims with the relevant knowledge on Halal and empower them to become confident and responsible Muslim consumers.


Module Objectives

This module aims to achieve the following learning objectives:

  • To understand the broad concept, definition and fundamental principles of Halal and our responsibility towards it as Muslims living in Singapore.
  • To find a balance when setting parameters of Halal and understanding the role it plays in strengthening Singapore’s social cohesion.
  • To set out guidelines when handling fake news related to Halal and share legitimate sources of information.

Module Outline (8 hours)

In this 8 hours module, participants will be covering the following topics:

  • Introduction to Halal dan Toyyib
  • The Singapore Context
  • Issues & Challenges of Halal
  • Solutions
Payment should be made directly to the mosque.
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Module Description 

Fardhu Ain by ADIL comprises of a summarised version of ADIL’s Baseline module A Muslim’s Manual. Specially tailored for those who wishes to learn Islam from its basic beginnings and those who would like to refresh their understanding of their Deen.
In Islam, Fardhu Ain refers to obligatory acts that must be performed by each individual Muslim, including prayer, charity, fasting, and pilgrimage. It is a form of Individual obligation and is contrasted with communal obligation, ‘Fard Al-kifayah’. All of us are required to learn the Fardhu Ain of Islam. This means, a sound and basic Aqidah/Creed and knowledge of basic Fiqh – with a proper commentary. 

Module Outline (8 hours)

In this 8-credit hours' course, students will be covering the following topics:

  1. Purification- including tahara, najasa, how to clean yourself etc.
  2. Prayer – Its pillars and what is fard, mandub, sunna etc.
  3. Fasting & its rules
  4. Zakat-how to pay it, what to pay it on, when it is due
  5. Hajj & its rules

*The module will be adjusted to 4 hours during special free classes arrangement.

Payment should be made directly to the mosque.

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Module Description 

Solat Workshop by ADIL is for participants who wish to learn basic understanding of the Solat rituals or wish to revisit their understanding of Solat. 

Module Outline (8 hours)

In this 8-credit hours' course, students will be covering the following topics:

  1. The Importance of Solat
  2. Pre-Requisites of Performing Solat
  3. Integrals (Rukun) of Solat
  4. Recitations in Solat
  5. Contemporary Issues in Solat (Q & A)

*The module will be adjusted to 4 hours during special free classes arrangement.

Payment should be made directly to the mosque.

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Module Description 

Fiqh Ramadan by ADIL is a specially tailored workshop catering to our students who wishes to be fully equipped with knowledge pertaining to all of the ibadah pre-Ramadan, during and post-Ramadan.The month of Ramadan, the month whereas Muslims we fast during the day, and increase prayer during the night, is in essence a month that call for us to rethink our day-to-day conduct. A month of discipline, a month that serve as an annual training period to reinforce good behaviors and exemplary conduct.

Ramadan is a month identified as the month of mercy and forgiveness. A month where good deeds will be multiplied in its reward. A month that provides splendid opportunities for spiritual enhancement. A month of deep devotion and reflection. 

Module Outline (8 hours)

In this 8-credit hours' course, students will be covering the following topics:

  1. Preparations prior to Ramadan
  2. Fasting during Ramadan
  3. Zakat Fitrah
  4. Terawih prayers
  5. Qiyamulleil prayers
  6. The Night of Destiny ‘Lailatul Qadr’
  7. Frequently Asked Questions about Ramadan & Other contemporary issues
  8. Eid Prayer and the Takbir
  9. Eid fitr celebrations
  10. Steadfastness post-Ramadan

*The module will be adjusted to 4 hours during special free classes arrangement.

Payment should be made directly to the mosque.
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