Irsyad aims to address various issues related to Islamic practices and perspectives on current development.
Faith and practices
Determining the beginning of Hijri month 1446H/2025
Determining the beginning of Hijri month 1445H/2024
Determining the beginning of Zulhijjah 1445H/2024 (English) [PDF, 302 KB]
Determining the beginning of Zulhijjah 1445H/2024 (Malay) [PDF, 304 KB]
Determining the beginning of Syawal 1445H - 2024 (English) [PDF, 302 KB]
Determining the beginning of Syawal 1445H - 2024 (Malay) [PDF, 304 KB]
Determining the beginning of Ramadan 1445H - 2024 (English) [PDF, 390 KB]
Determining the beginning of Ramadan 1445H - 2024 (Malay) [PDF, 307 KB]
Religious guidance on performing Eid prayer in Singapore
Guidance for Eiduladha takbir
Advisory on Eiduladha and Day of Arafah
Advisory on performing the eclipse prayer
Contemporary issues
Advisory on freedom of religion and apostasy in Islam
Advisory on depiction of prophets in movies
Advisory on yoga practice
Advisory on kuda kepang performances
Advisory on assistance dogs
The Middle East crisis: Religious leadership advisory
Religious statement and guidance on LGBTQ+ developments in Singapore
Health, science and medicine
Advisory on managing the COVID-19 situation
Part 5 - Advisory on performing funeral prayers during COVID-19 (English)
Part 5 - Advisory on performing funeral prayers during COVID-19 (Malay)
Part 6 - Advisory on conducting funeral prayers during circuit breaker period (English)
Part 6 - Advisory on conducting funeral prayers during circuit breaker period (Malay)
Part 7 - Advisory on online marriage solemnization (English)
Part 8 - Advisory on Friday and Hari Raya prayers on the same day (English)
Part 8 - Advisory on Friday and Hari Raya prayers on the same day (Malay)
Part 10 - Advisory on conducting Maulid during Phase 2 (English)
Part 10 - Advisory on conducting Maulid during Phase 2 (Malay)
Part 12 - Vaccination-differentiated safe management measures (VDS) at the mosque (English)
Part 12 - Vaccination-differentiated safe management measures (VDS) at the mosque (Malay)