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- Madrasahs clear 2024 Primary School Leaving Examinations (PSLE) benchmark
Madrasahs clear 2024 Primary School Leaving Examinations (PSLE) benchmark
20 November 2024
1. 333 students out of 334 Singaporean Primary 6 madrasah students (99.7%) have passed their Primary School Leaving Examinations (PSLE) this year. Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura (MUIS) congratulates all students from these madrasahs1.
2. All four madrasahs offering primary education will retain their “designated school” status2 under the Compulsory Education (CE) Act for 2024 and will be able to admit children exempted from CE at Primary 1.
3. In the past 5 years, the mean percentage of Primary 6 madrasah students who passed PSLE has been around 99.1%. All four madrasahs have successfully cleared the PSLE benchmark throughout the past decade.
New language option for new madrasah student
4. Over the years, MUIS has launched initiatives to bolster madrasahs, emphasising on student growth and teacher development. These initiatives raise academic excellence, foster educator expertise, and cultivate an inspiring learning atmosphere. This comprehensive approach enhances the quality of Islamic education, equips students with diverse skills for a globalised world, in the commitment to shape future religious leaders capable of addressing complex, contemporary issues.
5. MUIS is enhancing support for this sector to ensure it remains an effective pipeline for developing our future local religious teachers and scholars. A key initiative is the introduction of Tamil as an optional Mother Tongue Language (MTL) subject at Madrasah Irsyad Zuhri Al-Islamiah (MIZA) for its Primary 1 cohort in 2026.
6. To facilitate this, the Madrasah Entrance Test conducted at MIZA for Primary 1 admission will include a Tamil language assessment option for applicants starting next year.
Continuous support key to our future asatizah's academic success
7. Commenting on the performance of our madrasah students, MUIS Chief Executive, Kadir Maideen said: "I am proud that our Madrasahs students continue to do well. This year's sterling PSLE results are a testament to how our Madrasahs are thriving, juggling both religious and secular education. Beyond good grades, our Madrasahs are shaping well-rounded scholars who excel in both areas. A big thank you to everyone involved in this success story – the students themselves, the dedicated teachers, and the supportive parents.
Madrasahs, vital in nurturing religious scholars, are evolving to be more inclusive and appealing. MUIS and Madrasah Irsyad's introduction of Tamil as an optional Mother Tongue Language subject exemplifies the shared commitment to enhancing Islamic education. This initiative broadens the curriculum and cultivates Tamil-speaking religious scholars, better serving Singapore's diverse Muslim community. By adapting and improving, madrasahs ensure they remain effective in developing academically proficient and spiritually grounded individuals for today's society. "
Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura
1 Students from four madrasahs – Madrasah Irsyad, Madrasah Alsagoff, Madrasah Al-Maarif and Madrasah Wak Tanjong - sat for PSLE this year.
2 For more information about the “Exemption from compulsory education”, please refer to this link: https://www.moe.gov.sg/primary/compulsory-education/exemptions