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- 2020 Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) performance of madrasah students
2020 Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) performance of madrasah students
25 November 2020
1. A total of 323 Singaporean madrasah students sat for the PSLE this year. Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura (MUIS) congratulates all students and madrasahs1.
Performance of 2020 Primary 6 cohort
2. Out of the 323 Singaporean Primary 6 students who sat for the PSLE this year, 98.5% (318 students) are assessed suitable to proceed to secondary school. Overall, in the past 5 years, the percentage of Primary 6 madrasah students progressing to secondary school has seen a stable trend.
Madrasah Wak Tanjong Al-Islamiah's (MWTI) first PSLE batch in 3 years
3. This year is the first time that MWTI’s students sat for the PSLE since 20172. A total of 58 Singaporean students from MWTI sat for the PSLE this year.
4. In preparations for the PSLE this year, MWTI had stepped up its efforts to prepare its students well. Several other madrasahs had also come forward to support MWTI, such as Madrasah Irsyad Zuhri, Al-Maa’rif and Alsagoff. The support provided included conducting motivational talks for the students, sharing of exam papers, and providing IT support.
5. MUIS has also provided MWTI a Comprehensive Assistance Package in 2018, which includes annual funding to improve the educational programmes of the school. For example, MWTI teachers are provided with comprehensive annual training plans. Student learning experience has also improved with teachers infusing technology in the classroom.
6. Commenting on the PSLE results, MUIS Chief Executive, Esa Masood said:
While it has been a challenging year, our madrasahs have performed well in the PSLE once again this year and we are proud of the hard work of our school leaders, teachers, students and parents. It also demonstrates the spirit of resilience and adaptability. For example, our Madrasahs came together to share best practices for Home-Based Learning during the Circuit Breaker period to ensure our students’ learning was not disrupted.
Madrasah Wak Tanjong’s first batch of PSLE students after 3 years is a significant milestone for the school and we congratulate all the staff and students of the school for this achievement.
I am very heartened that the madrasah sector has rallied together to support Madrasah Wak Tanjong, in providing various kinds of assistance and expertise. MUIS will continue to support and strengthen our madrasahs in the coming years. We urge the Muslim community to continue to support the madrasahs through various ways as they are the community’s key institutions in producing religious leaders for the future.
MUIS assistance for madrasah PSLE students
7. MUIS will continue to extend its PSLE Assistance Package to all full-time madrasahs whose students will be taking the PSLE. The details of the assistance are attached in the Annex.
Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura
1 Students from four madrasahs – Madrasah Irsyad, Madrasah Alsagoff, Madrasah Al-Maarif and Madrasah Wak Tanjong - sat for PSLE this year.
2 Cohort of students from Madrasah Wak Tanjong sat for PSLE for the first time this year since it was able to admit P1 students in 2015 after successfully meeting the PSLE benchmark in 2011 to 2013.