Speech by Chief Executive of MUIS, Mr Kadir Maideen at MUIS Awards 2023 Ceremony
12 August 2023
Mdm Halimah Yacob, President of the Republic of Singapore,
Mr Masagos Zulkifli, Minister for Social and Family Development, Second Minister for Health & Minister-in-charge of Muslim Affairs
Mr Mohamed Saat, MUIS President
Sohibus Samahah, Dr Nazirudin Mohd Nasir, Mufti of Singapore
Distinguished members of MUIS Council,
Respected Mosque, Religious and Community Leaders
MUIS Awards Recipients and Family members
Ladies and Gentlemen
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Mencari timba si anak dara
Di bawah sarang burung tempua
Salam sembah pembuka bicara
Selamat datang untuk semua
2 Please allow me to thank President Halimah Yacob, for gracing our annual MUIS Awards Ceremony. And a very warm welcome to everyone for being here this afternoon.
3 This is a poignant moment for MUIS, as this will be the final time Madam President will be gracing our MUIS Awards Ceremony, I would like to take this moment to express our deepest gratitude to Mdm President for her unwavering support and dedication to MUIS and the Malay-Muslim community. Mdm President has been a regular guest at our MUIS Awards Ceremony as well as our annual Buka Puasa event in honour of our zakat beneficiaries. Mdm President, your leadership has been a guiding light, inspiring us to foster a culture of philanthropy, compassion and inclusivity within our community. Your commitment to education, welfare and interfaith cooperation has uplifted the lives of countless individuals and strengthened the bonds of unity in our community. We are truly blessed to have a leader who embodies the spirit of Rahmatan Lil Alamin, bringing blessings to all.
Culture of Contributing
4 The Rahmatan Lil Alamin Foundation (RLAF) has been diligently fostering a culture of philanthropy within the Singaporean Muslim community. This afternoon, we will be witnessing the handing over of a cheque for the amount of $200,000 to the President’s Challenge. Since its establishment in 2009, the RLAF has channelled over $14 million, generously donated by the community, to support humanitarian disaster relief initiatives worldwide. These endeavours play a significant role in nurturing the spirit of Rahmatan Lil Alamin, for the upcoming generation. The Foundation also supports Muslim youths collaborating with young individuals from diverse faiths, races, and backgrounds to support various causes.
Active Citizenry as DNA for Singapore Muslims
5 Our gathering today serves as a testament to our shared commitment to nurturing a vibrant and engaged community, where each individual plays a significant role in shaping our collective future. We are here not only to recognize the exceptional contributions of individuals who have dedicated themselves to serving the Singapore Muslim community but also to highlight the significance of active citizenry in shaping a united and caring society.
6 Active citizenry embodies the spirit of civic responsibility, where individuals actively engage in their communities, champion causes they believe in, and have a sense of responsibility towards nation-building and society. Our MUIS Awards recipients today have demonstrated exceptional commitment to enhancing the socio-religious life of our community. Their selfless efforts have not only made a positive impact on individuals and families but have also strengthened the bonds of unity and understanding among diverse faith and ethnic groups across our nation.
Honouring MUIS Awards Recipients
7 Today we acknowledge and celebrate six exceptional individuals who will be honoured with Anugerah Jasa Bakti. Our Award recipients represent a rich diversity of backgrounds and expertise, demonstrating unwavering dedication, contributing significantly across multiple institutions and serving the poor and marginalised families in Singapore. Among the recipients, are leaders who have spearheaded numerous charity campaigns, that have benefited multiple beneficiaries, in the mosques as well as Muslim organisations. Our honoured recipients today have an extraordinary history of volunteering. What is truly inspiring is their unwavering commitment to actively contribute to our Muslim community.
8 Besides them, we bestow our highest accolade, the Anugerah Jasa Cemerlang upon Ustaz Pasuni Maulan. He is an eminent figure in the religious and community domains, highly regarded and esteemed. Ustaz Pasuni plays a distinguished role across key religious institutions such as the Asatizah Recognition Board, PERGAS, mosques, madrasahs and organisations beyond the community. With heartfelt appreciation, we honour him today for his forward thinking and foresight, and for inspiring the next generation with his active and unrelenting volunteering spirit in the various sectors.
New Award Category - Anugerah Belia Harapan
9 This year marks another milestone for MUIS. It has been 55 years since we were formed. When we celebrated MUIS50 in 2018, we looked back and honoured many of the individuals who journeyed together with us to serve the community. But we also looked forward to the future, honouring the next generation of promising youth volunteers. The experience of the past few years since then has reminded us that we must always look to the future, as the world continues to change at a fast pace and throw up new challenges to society.
10 Thus, this year, MUIS is pleased to introduce a new award category, Anugerah Belia Harapan appreciate the exceptional efforts of aspiring youth leaders within the Singapore Muslim Community. These young leaders have passionately devoted their time, talent and energy to nurture and strengthen bonds within the community, and beyond. The Award affirms our commitment to nurturing the next generation of leaders who will continue to shape the future of the Singapore Muslim Community.
11 For our inaugural Anugerah Belia Harapan, MUIS will be recognising the invaluable contributions made by two outstanding youths, for promoting interfaith dialogue, addressing social issues and fostering active citizenship among diverse backgrounds.
12 In the spirit of active citizenry and co-creation, we would like to encourage the Muslim community to come forward and acknowledge the outstanding efforts of leaders and youth leaders who have played an instrumental role in developing the socio-religious fields within our community. It is with hope that their stories will ignite a spark of motivation within individuals, urging them to actively engage in volunteerism, leadership, and meaningful contributions. We firmly believe that sharing their accomplishments will empower others to join the journey of building a stronger Muslim community. More details will be shared via our MUIS’ website.
13 I want to extend my warmest congratulations to today’s award winners. Your diverse contributions have played a vital role in shaping a more caring and gracious community. Through your actions, you have inspired others to contribute selflessly and opened new doors of opportunity for the community, and enriching lives with greater purpose. As we move forward, let us continue to give our best for others and foster a more united and resilient community.
Allow me to conclude my speech in Malay.
Sidang hadirin yang dihormati,
14 Pada tahun ini, kita bertemu di sini untuk mengiktiraf sumbangan luar biasa sembilan individu-individu yang telah berbakti kepada masyarakat Islam Singapura. Usaha mereka bukan sahaja memberi kesan positif kepada individu dan keluarga. Malah, dapat mengukuhkan ikatan perpaduan dan persefahaman sosio agama kita.
15 Kita juga ingin merayakan semangat kewarganegaraan mereka dalam membentuk sebuah masyarakat yang bersatu padu dan penyayang, serta mengeratkan pakatan di kalangan pelbagai kepercayaan dan kumpulan etnik di seluruh negara kita.
16 Antara penerima anugerah MUIS, dua daripada mereka adalah penerima Anugerah Belia Harapan, yang diperkenalkan tahun ini. Anugerah ini adalah sebuah pengiktirafan kepada usaha para pemimpin belia yang telah menumpukan masa, bakat dan tenaga mereka untuk berbakti kepada masyarakat kita, dan masyarakat umum amnya. Harapan kami, wujudnya kategori Anugerah Belia Harapan ini dapat memupuk generasi relawan dan pemimpin seterusnya yang mampu mencorak masa depan masyarakat Islam Singapura.
17 Sekali lagi, tahniah kepada semua penerima anugerah. Sumbangan tuan-puan telah mencorak masyarakat kita, serta memberi inspirasi kepada orang lain untuk menimbangkan semula keutamaan mereka, menggalakkan sifat tidak mementingkan diri sendiri dan membuka pintu peluang baru untuk masyarakat, untuk memperkayakan kehidupan dengan tujuan yang lebih besar. Sesungguhnya, Tuan-puan merupakan insan mithali yang menjadi tauladan kepada kami semua. Semoga segala amal jariah dan pengorbanan Tuan-puan sekalian dan kita bersama diberkati Allah (swt), Amin.
Beli keladi di pekan lidup
Sayang rasa lemaknya kurang
Taburlah budi ketika hidup
Kelak jasa dikenang orang
Wabillahi Taufiq Walhidayah Wassalamu alaikum wr.wb.