Zakat Fitrah Rates for Ramadan 2020/1441H

23 April 2020

1. The Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (Muis) wishes to announce that the Zakat Fitrah rates for Ramadan 2020 / 1441H is S$5.10 (normal rate) and S$7.50 (higher rate) per head.

2. Zakat Fitrah is an obligatory contribution by all Muslims during the month of Ramadan. The Zakat Fitrah rate is determined by the Muis Zakat and Fitrah Committee, by using staple food of the country that the person resides in. As rice is the staple food here, the rates are based on the median price of 2.3kg of the grade of rice that is generally consumed by the Muslim community.

3. Muis introduced a two-tier Zakat Fitrah rate since 2005 to facilitate zakat payers who may wish to pay more than the normal rate (Muslims who consume a higher grade of rice). Zakat payers may choose the rate that is most suitable based on their daily consumption.

4. Zakat Fitrah must be paid during the month of Ramadan but no later than the morning of Aidilfitri. However, the Muslim public is advised to pay early and through electronic modes of payment in light of the current COVID-19 situation.

5. PayNow is a newly introduced mode of payment. Payers can make payment by scanning the QR code below or by keying in the UEN T08GB0028LZKT on various bank apps. For official receipt and IRAS tax auto-inclusion, payers are to visit


6. For more information please contact Muis at 6359 1199 (Hotline).